Welcome to KogeneBiotech



  • 2014-2010

    1. 2018

      1. Exhibition - 2018 MEDLAB, Dubai
    2. 2017

      1. 2017 Minister prize award for the best Autonomous Inspection Company of the year
        (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs)
      2. Technical Cooperation Agreement with the Samsung Medical Center
      3. Exhibition - 2017 MEDICA, Düsseldorf, Germany
      4. Granted as a seller of Medical Device by MFDS (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety)
      5. Exhibition - 2017 Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine Congress & Exhibition, Seoul, Korea
      6. Exhibition - 2017 Global Foot and Mouth Disease Research Alliance (2017 GFRA), Incheon, Korea
      7. FAPAS Proficiency Test pass (GMO)
      8. Exhibition - 2017 AACC, San Diego, USA
      9. Exhibition - 33rd World veterinary congress, Incheon, Korea
      10. Exhibition - 27rd Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics(ISFG 2017), Seoul, Korea
      11. National research grant from SMBA (Small and Medium Business Administration)
      12. Exhibition – 2017 ECCMID, Wien, Austria
      13. Exhibition – 7th Medical Laboratory Tests Standardization symposium, Deajeon, Korea
      14. National research grant from KCDC (Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention)
      15. Renewal of a Venture Corporation Certificate by SMBA (Small and Medium Business Administration)
      16. Renewal of ISO 13485 Certificate
      17. National research grant from KCDC (Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention)
      18. Exhibition – 2017 MEDLAB, Dubai
    3. 2016

      1. GMP Certificate renewal
      2. Designated as a Manufacturer of Veterinary Medical Device by MFDS (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety)
      3. Exhibition - 2016 MEDICA, Düsseldorf, Germany
      4. IVD approval of the MERS-CoV Kit by MFDS (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety)
      5. Exhibition – 2016 Laboratory Medicine Congress & Exhibition, Seoul, Korea
      6. Renewal of ISO/IEC 17025 KOLAS LAB Accreditation
      7. National research grant from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
      8. Exhibition - 39th The Korean Society of Veterinary Service Congress & Exhibition, Mokpo, Korea
      9. Exhibition – 2016 AACC, Philadelphia, USA
      10. Re-designation as a Food Testing Co. by MFDS (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety)
      11. Expansion of headquarters building in Gasan-dong, Seoul
      12. Exhibition – 2016 ANALYTICA, Munich, Germany
      13. Exhibition – 2016 ARAB LAB, Dubai
      14. Renewal of INNO-Biz Co. by SMBA (Small and Medium Business Administration)
      15. Exhibition – 2016 ARAB HEALTH, Dubai
    4. 2015

      1. National research grant from KCDC (Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention)
      2. National research grant from National Research Foundation of Korea
      3. Exhibition – 2015 MEDICA, Düsseldorf, Germany
      4. Exhibition - 38th The Korean Society of Veterinary Service Congress & Exhibition, Buyeo, Korea
      5. Exhibition – 2015 AACC, Atlanta , USA
      6. Exhbition – 2015 IAFP, Portland, USA
      7. Exhibition – 2015 ACHEMA, Frankfurt, Germany
      8. Renewal of a Venture Corporation Certificate by SMBA (Small and Medium Business Administration)
      9. Exhibition – 2015 ARAB LAB, Dubai
      10. Exhibition – 2015 ARAB HEALTH, Dubai
      11. Expansion of headquarters building in Gasan-dong, Seoul, Korea
    5. 2014

      1. Exhibition - 2014 MEDICA, Dusseldorf
      2. The 17th Order of Industrial Service Medal
      3. Exhibition – 2014 IAFP, Indianapolis
      4. Exhibition – 2014 AACC, Chicago
      5. Designated as Forensic DNA Testing Company by Ministry of National Defense
      6. Exhibition – 2014 Microbiology and Biotechnology from Traditional to Cutting Edge, Korea
      7. Exhibition – 2014 Arab Lab, Dubai
      8. ISO13485 Renewal
      9. Exhibition – 2014 Arab Health, Dubai
    6. 2013

      1. Exhibition - 2013 MEDICA, Dusseldorf
      2. Designated as Manufacturer Medical Device by MFDS
      3. Certified IVD Product of 14 Influenza and RV Real-time PCR kits by MFDS
      4. Exhibition - 2013 Arab Lab, Dubai
      5. Exhibition - 2013 Arab Health, Dubai
    7. 2012

      1. Exhibition - 2012 Arab Lab, Dubai
      2. Selected as a monitoring kit of 20 pathogen multiplex Real-time PCR kit on mobile lab by MFDS
      3. Selected as a monitoring kit of pathogenic
      4. E.coli & bacterial kit by KCDC
      5. Exhibition - 2012 MEDICA, Dusseldorf
    8. 2011

      1. Exhibition - 2011 Arab Lab, Dubai
      2. MOU with Agdia Co.,USA
      3. ISO 13485 and CE-IVD certified
      4. National research grant from SMBA
      5. Exhibition - 2011 Biotechnica, Hannover
    9. 2010

      1. Exhibition - BIO Korea 2010, Seoul
      2. National research grant from SMBA
  • 2009-2007

    1. 2009

      1. Korea National Council of Consumer Organizations-designates as Excellent Rice Brand Evaluation Co.
      2. Co-development of pandemic influenza testing kit with KCDC
      3. Selected as a monitoring kit for pandemic influenza testing by KCDC
    2. 2008

      1. National research grant from Government, SMBA
      2. Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 KOLAS LAB
    3. 2007

      1. Designated as Human ID Co. by Ministry of National
      2. Defense
      3. Transferred to new corporate office, Gasan-dong
      4. Designated as Rice Variety ID Co. by KNAQS
  • 2006-2004

    1. 2006

      1. INNO-Biz Co. by SBA
      2. Development of Rice Variety ID system
      3. DNA analysis Co. by NISI
      4. Development of Food Pathogen Real-time PCR kit
    2. 2005

      1. MOU with Yonsei university
      2. Designated as Food Testing Co. by MFDS
      3. National research grant from KCDC
      4. Registered with MOH as DNA analysis company
    3. 2004

      1. National research grant from MFDS
      2. Co-development of Korean Beef Determinant
      3. DNA Testing system with KNAQS
  • 2003-2000

    1. 2003

      1. National research grant from SMBA
      2. Development of diarrheal virus detection kit
      3. First Adoption of Real-time PCR technology
    2. 2002

      1. National research grant for the development of animal species ID
    3. 2001

      1. Development of food pathogen multiplex PCR
      2. Certification as Venture Corporation by SMBA
      3. Strategic technical alliance with Genetic ID
      5. National research grant from SMBA
    4. 2000

      1. KogeneBiotech Co., Ltd. Established
      2. GMO and DNA analysis service launched
